Publication stats
316 peer reviewed papers
19 book chapters
8 editorships
50 first authorships
178 second last or last author
Researchgate profile: HF 69, 6.192
Scopus H-factor 57
Web of Science (restricted access):
Hirsch-index (all databases) 64
Hirsch -index (first authorships) 18
Citations 10064
Average citations per paper 36
Google Scholar citations (open access): (link here)
All Since 2019
Citations 17173 5813
H-index 75 40
i10-index 190 116
316 peer reviewed papers
19 book chapters
8 editorships
50 first authorships
178 second last or last author
Researchgate profile: HF 69, 6.192
Scopus H-factor 57
Web of Science (restricted access):
Hirsch-index (all databases) 64
Hirsch -index (first authorships) 18
Citations 10064
Average citations per paper 36
Google Scholar citations (open access): (link here)
All Since 2019
Citations 17173 5813
H-index 75 40
i10-index 190 116